
MARKET at the FAREWAY in Chestnut Hill Weekly Specials April 7, 8, 9: Print the $5 Coupon to Redeem


Print the $5 coupon here: Coupon

April 7, 8, 9 Specials

Please see a list of our weekly specials below or click April 7, 8, 9 specials for the flyer.

ChickoTako: 15% off Chicko Tako salad with avocado, cucumbers, tomatoes, cilantro, and olive oil.

Neidermyer’s Poultry: Chicken Legs $1.99/lb, 13% off 

Nuts to You: Chia Seeds $3.99/lb (25% off)

PhilaDing: Pick up a bread card. Get the 13th loaf FREE

PhotoLounge: 20% off all archival services (slide scanning, photo scanning, and home transfers to DVD)

Poppy’s Cafe: Buy a 16oz iced coffee, get a FREE cookie

Ranck’s Lunchmeats: Our own store-made chicken salad sandwich “made to order” $5.00 (30% off)

Rice’s Quality Meats: Center cut pork chops $3.99/lb (20% off)

Shundeez: Spend $35, get 5% off your total purchase

Tokyo Sushi: 70 piece rainbow party tray $36, 10% off