
Get the Inside Scoop about Made by ME


  1. How and when did Made by ME get started?

Made by ME has been 20+yrs in the making.  I have been fortunate to work with some amazing chefs in my life, allowing me to hone my skills and share my chocolate creations with my customers.  In 2013, a friend of mine, Mo Haff, who owns Sweet Magnolia in Glenside where I grew up, offered me space to sell my chocolates in her boutique store.  That’s where Made by ME Chocolates got started!

  1. Why did you name it “Made by ME”?

It started with my parents (laughs).  Fortunately for me, my initials are “ME”.  I tested the “Made by ME” name with some initial products.  Some got the connection between my name, MaryEllen, and the initials in “Made by ME”, and some didn’t.  When it clicked, we all would laugh.

  1. Who is involved in running your business?

It is just me right now.  I am small enough at this time that I can be completely hands on, between production, marketing and anything else that comes with running my business.

  1. What do the customers love the most from your menu?

Peanut butter bark.  It is made with creamy peanut butter and salt roasted peanuts, enrobed in milk chocolate.  I wanted to make an adult version of a favorite childhood candy.

  1. Are you working on releasing any new items?

Yes, you’ll have to stop by and see what’s being created!

  1. What do you find to be the most challenging part of your business?

Marketing. I love what I do and know how to create Handmade Gourmet Chocolates and amenities, but when it comes to reaching the masses, it’s little more challenging.

  1. What gets you up in the morning?

Tea, I love tea!

  1. What excites you to come to work?

The customers.  Oh, I also get to play with chocolate, enough said!

  1. If you could say one thing to your customers, what would it be?

Thank you!

  1. Do you have any tips for people trying to make chocolate at home?

Be patient, chocolate can be very temperamental and time consuming, but the end result can be amazing.

  1. What do you enjoy eating when you’re not eating chocolate?

Anything that someone else makes me!

  1. What do you like to do for fun?
I like to travel and have been very fortunate to work/live in some incredible places.  When I was in Las Vegas, NV, I worked with another pastry chef who was doing a dessert for the James Beard dinner that was being held in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Coincidentally, it was the same year as the Winter Olympics.  The pastry chef, Chef Randy, asked if I could do a sugar garnish for the dessert he designed.  My answer was a quick “Yes!” because it meant I not only got to contribute to the James Beard dinner, but that I would also get to see some Olympic events.  This was a moment I’ll never forget.
Another memorable travel experience I have is when my Executive Pastry Chef, Kathy Donaho of Mandalay Bay, asked me to go to Erfurt, Germany in 2004 and be part of the ACF Culinary Olympic team as a Sous Chef. What an experience!  Between designing, plating and discipline, I learned so much; every chef should complete an experience like this at least once in his or her career.
  1. List fun facts about yourself.

I love to dance!

I am also a foodie and am somewhat of an adventurous eater (if it’s something new to me, maybe not tell me what it is before I eat it).  I have been fortunate to travel with my profession and have been surrounded by some extremely talented chefs and I figured I may never be in this part of the country/world again or work with this chef again, so take the time to enjoy what is in the moment.