
Chestnut Hill MARKET at the FAREWAY Weekly Specials July 14, 15, 16


July Wk 2 specials png

Please see a list of our weekly specials.  Click July Week 2 Specials for the flyer.

Barry’s Buns: Seasonal Flavor: Peach Cobbler

Chicko Tako: Best Honest Review Contest,Win 40′ LED TV

Neidermyer’s Poultry: Turkey Burger $3.69/lb (17% off)

Neil’s Sharpening Services: Pruners are 20% OFF 

Nuts to You: Dark Chocolate Almonds $7.99 ($1 off)

PhilaDing: $2 OFF Nut and Seed Oils

Poppy’s Cafe: Any size Ice Cream Cone, (50 cents off)

Ranck’s Lunchmeats: Ham and Brie on Ciabatta $5

Rice’s Quality Meats: Turkey London Broil $14.99/lb

Shundeez Market: Chicken Kebab, order in advance

Tokyo Sushi: 60 Piece Genko Vegetable Tray, $35

What a Crock Meals to Go: Get a FREE side dish when you buy two or more two portion meals

Yu’s Produce: New Jersey Asparagus and Organic Rhubarb