
Chestnut Hill MARKET at the FAREWAY Weekly Specials August 4, 5, 6


Link to Specials Flyer: August 4, 5, 6 Specials

Barry’s Buns: Closed for Vacation
Chicko TakoBest Honest Review Contest, Win 40” LED TV
Made by ME: Opening Soon!
Neidermyer’s Poultry: Turkey Kielbasa and Hot Links, $4.99
Neil’s Sharpening Services: Sharpen one knife, get the 2nd half off
(limit 4 knives total)
Nuts to You: Strawberry Twists $2.49/lb
PhilaDing: $2 OFF Nut and Seed oils
Poppy’s Cafe:  50 Cents OFF 16 oz Iced Tea

Ranck’s Lunch Meats: Meatball Sandwich, $5.00
Rice’s Quality Meats: Ground Chuck $6.59/lb
Shundeez MarketChicken Kubideh, order in advance
Tokyo Sushi: Genko Vegetable Party Tray (60pcs.), $40
What a CrockNow carrying Metropolitan Bread